Projet IT

 Le projet IT
 Le projet IT est un projet qui vise a travailler avec des enfants de SAKALA( Sant Aksyon Altenativ ak Lape) et SOPUDEP en les donnant un minimum de connaissances en informatique et principalement des notions en internet.

                  Proposal of the Learning Service Project

 Name of project: IT Project
Our mission is to offer trainings in computer literacy to youth in disadvantaged area through our beneficiaries SAKALA and SOPUDEP in order to help them succeed and prepare for their professional careers.
 In term of TIC, most youth in those areas are not aware of the improvements in this field. Most of them don’t know how to do internet research properly, access educational content through the internet. Sometimes they can’t even write a standard paper or prepare a school presentation. As responses to these issues, this project will address these issues through trainings in internet research, educational computer tools and by giving basic Microsoft office skills. We will offer as well free hours for tutoring and technical advices related to what they have learned during trainings or any encountered issues.
Project Summary
As achievement, this project will equipped its beneficiaries with grounded backgrounds in computer literacy. They will have all necessary tools to help them address their weaknesses in this field which will help them improve their school performance .They will be able to access educational contents on the internet  to complete their lack of document for school. 
Project Details
v  Architecture and Environment
We will be working with SAKALA and SOPUDEP’s youth all along this project. Our project is based on the Asset Based Model which means that we’ll be using available resources to achieve our goal. As human resources, our group members will engaged themselves in order to provide the training and installation required for this. We will need computers to set up at SAKALA and SOPUDEP headquarters. These computers should be equipped with tools such as Microsoft office and access to the internet. We will need energy to power all our installations over there. Our trainings will be in Creole in order to facilitate understandings.
v  Implementation Issues and Challenges
First to implement this project, we need beneficiaries, so we have to make sure that we have people to attend the trainings. This is why we will create a memorandum of understanding signed by both parties. Our biggest challenges will be to have an available energy sources on each site, assure material security. The biggest issue will be to assure that the first given lessons or trainings are understandable and respecting standards.
v  Deliverables
Product of the project:
·         Weekly training
o   Introduction to computer
o   Introduction to computer software
o   Introduction to Internet
o   Introduction to internet research
o   Introduction to Microsoft office
o   Educational contents on internet
o   Open sessions

·         1 hour tutoring and advices
·         Monthly report
As we stated in the beginning this project would contribute to computer literacy and help the youth (beneficiaries) at SAKALA and SOPUDEP taking advantages of what they have been learning throughout this program. They will be capable of applying them in their daily tasks which will improve their efficiency at school and be ready for the work force.
v  Timeline
·         November
o   Establishing Contacts
o   Needs of assessments
·         December - Midst of January
o   Memorandum  of understanding
o   Installation of hardware
o   Environment settings
o   Curriculum elaboration
·         Midst of January- End of May
o   Training / free hours
o   Exams
o   Project evaluation 
o   Feedback
o   Final report

We hope that all the prelisted points will be addressed and that our beneficiaries and partners will work along with to achieve this project. We are well motivated and engaged in this project and want to satisfy the needs of the beneficiaries and improved their skills through computer literacy.  As part of the training we think that sharing our experiences with these youth could be a source of motivation for them.  Maybe this could empower them to do the same in other help other peers in their community who couldn’t access our training .This could develop as well a sense of leadership in their own lives.

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